Symbiosis of two worlds

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Hello everyone, I'm Josu. Having studied and worked as an architect, now I'm finding my way through the ArchViz world.

"The work of the human being is imperishable. However, Nature always finds its way to reborn"

This Works tries to portray the relationship between these two worlds. Why are fighting instead of finding a way to live together? Creating a symbiosis may be the best idea to last, respecting each other. Despite the fact that human beings evolve and advance, forgetting where they come from, nature will always be present: no matter how much we build, evolve, nature will always find the way to emerge afloat. The ruins are the history of the human being: constructions that are abandoned and replaced by future ones that, like any abandoned place, are repopulated by vegetation, grass, trees ... and therefore we must find a way to live together combine the organic and green of the vegetation with the hardness and gray of the stone.

Software and equipment used

3DS Max, V-Ray, Photoshop

30 January 2021

The final step! Rendering and postproduction. After all the different elements of the image reached the harmony I desired, the model was ready to be rendered.

Two ideas were created; same place, different sensations.
The first image pretends to transmit calm, peace, as if the place despite the passing of the time had never been importuned.
The second image, on the other hand, pretends the opposite: the place has been surrounded by unkonw presence, the mist acts like a carpet which hides the grass and makes us wonder what happens under it. The place seems to be in pace, but its impossible not to question if it's safe.

This is the end of the way. Hope you enjoyed the proyect as much as I did. Thanks for the attention and have fun with it!

30 January 2021

The final step before rendering the images: the vegetation of course. Isn't it the theme of the contest?

The idea of the scene was to create a forest glade surrounded by trees, bushes, grass.... a respected area between all the wild vegetation, as if the vegetation, despite it desire of conquer the human creation, decided to respect this sacred place.

In this step different camera setups were tested also. The statue has to be in the center of the image, above the camera target to give it the sensation of important and imposing appearance

30 January 2021

After the modeling of the temple, before creating all the vegetation I decided to configure de illumination of the scene, as it is the most important element. It creates the atmosphere, the mysticism and the magic wich tries to involve all the image.

Since the very begining I wanted the light to be zenith, coming from above the temple and giving the statue a fine game os lights and shadows.

In the second image you can see some lights points which were removed after some testings. They pretended to be lightning bugs, but the results were far away from what I was having in mind.

29 January 2021

Like any other idea, it started with a brain storming. The first step was to search inspirations on similar images and sketching the first ideas. These handmade drawings are some of those that ended devoloping into the final image.

The very first day of modeling. The most important part of the scene was creating and atmosphere os mysticism, grant to the place some kind of magic