Product's title

4 PBR Gravels | 24 Materials

You will save 14 Credits

4 assets included

Each archive contains:

6 PBR Gravel Material
Seamless and Tileable
+ SBSAR (You create outputs in any size and any format using SBSAR files and randomize the result)
Using FBX and Obj formats and PBR textures, you can use this model in most of the 3d softwares.
BaseColor (6 Colors, JPG)
Roughness (4k, PNG)
Normal (4k, PNG)
Ambient Occlusion (4k, PNG)
Height (Displacement, 16bit, 4k, PNG)
2 Max files (Corona/Vray)
2 Fbx files (Corona/Vray)
2 Obj files (Corona/Vray)
Sbsar file
Real Size (Dimensions): 300 x 300 cm

When you purchase this collection, you will be able to download all the included assets.