The Altar

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Man and Nature - are we still one with the world or did we drift so far away, that there is no coming back? Oh, so deep. For sure I will not be able to answer this question but it will be interesting to dive into this dilemma.
Daily I do architectural visualizations. Let's try some different approach this time. Inspiration - I guess mythology and every story I know. I am really curious what the others will come up with. This will be fun!

Software and equipment used

3ds max, Vray, Photoshop

05 February 2021

Thank you for the great subject to contemplate. Here is my final image, second of the two.

05 February 2021

If we have nature and man, death and spirit, then placing it among the stars is a logical choice.
This is my final image, first of the two.

05 February 2021

Not there yet

05 February 2021

Struggle of life. Story is there but I am not happy with the representation of it.

05 February 2021

There is no nature without death and no man without the spirit. Everything one step from each other.

05 February 2021

At some point I just have to stick with the idea and simply try to finish the scene. But the story is not done, not yet.

04 February 2021

I had to forget about the background and focus on the main message. Is it clear? Easy to read? Yeah, that is the problem. I need more representation of what is a nature and what is a man.
Strength and instinct turning into emotions and struggle.

04 February 2021

I have the main actors but I don't have the background... Here is one of the options that I have checked, just to see if this is still telling my story. At this point I still don't know where to go with the picture.

04 February 2021

I need some representation from both sides. When I was doing this, I saw the distant future, where humans in their naked forms and immortal bodies, after experiencing all of the pleasures they could imagine, they discovered, that observing nature and not changing it is the closest to being gods. Who knows - maybe this guy is thrilled that he will be eaten alive and later he will reborn with the memory of that experience? Or after millions of years of watching mountains raise and fall, he is ready to let go? Who knows.